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Six-Member SKM Delegation Meets Jagjit Singh Dallewal at Khanauri Border

The SKM delegation also held discussions with leaders of the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Morcha and SKM (Non-Political), led by Dallewal.

Six-Member SKM Delegation Meets Jagjit Singh Dallewal at Khanauri Border

A six-member delegation of the SKM reached Khanauri border to meet Jagjit Singh Dallewal. Image by arrangement.

A six-member delegation of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) visited the Khanauri border on Friday (January 10) to meet farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been on a hunger strike since November 26.

The visit was aimed to address differences and foster unity among farmer unions engaged in nationwide protests.

The SKM delegation also held discussions with leaders of the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Morcha and SKM (Non-Political), led by Dallewal.

All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) and SKM leader P. Krishnaprasad said, “We have come over to Khanauri border today to meet Dallewal ji. The leaders of the SKM (Non-Political) have received us with pleasure. We have got the opportunity to meet Dallewal ji.”

Krishnaprasad stated that the farmers of SKM (Non-Political) have been invited to attend a joint meeting scheduled to take place in Patiala.

“We have invited them for a joint meet on January 15 at Patiala. They have expressed that without the joint unity of farmers, this movement cannot go ahead,” he added.

SKM representatives, including Jagbir Singh Chouhan, P. Krishnaprasad, Balbir Singh Rajewal, Raminder Singh Patiala, Darshan Pal, and Joginder Singh, addressed the press alongside leaders from SKM (Non-Political).

The visit comes amid mounting frustration over the Modi government’s lack of response to the protests and a growing recognition that fragmented efforts could hinder progress.

At a rally in Moga on Thursday, SKM leader Joginder Singh Ugrahan, who also heads the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) Ekta Ugrahan, presented an eight-point resolution stressing the need for coordination to amplify common demands.

As Dallewal’s fast unto death entered its 46th day, the SKM renewed its call for unity among Punjab’s farmer unions to consolidate their struggles under a unified platform.

Key demands include a legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price (MSP), debt waivers, and the fulfillment of promises made under the Delhi Agreement.

The SKM also announced two major protest actions: a tractor march across Punjab on Republic Day (January 26) and the symbolic burning of the New Policy Framework on Agriculture Management (NPFAM) draft on January 13 to express their dissatisfaction.

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