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Punjab Farmers Burn Draft Farm Policy Copies as Dallewal’s Health Worsens

A crucial coordination meeting of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, Samyukt Kisan Morcha (Non-Political), and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha was held at Patran, near the Khanauri border.

Punjab Farmers Burn Draft Farm Policy Copies as Dallewal’s Health Worsens

Farmers burnt copies of the new draft agricultural marketing policy on Monday. Image: X/@SiwachSukhbir

Farmers across Punjab staged protests on Monday (January 13), by burning copies of the newly proposed draft National Policy Framework on Agriculture Marketing (NPFAM).

Leaders of the farmers' unions sharply criticized the policy, calling it even more dangerous than the now-repealed three agricultural laws.

They warned that implementing this policy would severely harm the interests of farmers and agricultural workers by failing to guarantee a Minimum Support Price (MSP) or minimum wages.

The draft policy aims to overhaul the current agricultural marketing system, replacing it with a centralized national market, which farmer leaders argue will enable corporate control over agriculture.

To intensify their opposition, the unions have announced a nationwide tractor march on January 26, marking a significant escalation in their movement.

A crucial coordination meeting of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), Samyukt Kisan Morcha (Non-Political), and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha (KMM) was held at Patran, near the Khanauri border.

The meeting, conducted in a spirit of unity and mutual understanding, addressed the urgent need for solidarity in the face of increasing corporate influence over agriculture under the NDA-3 government.

During the discussions, the farmers' unions reiterated their demand for the Prime Minister to urgently engage in dialogue with Kisan organizations. They called for the implementation of the agreement made by the NDA-2 government with the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) on December 9, 2021, addressing their genuine concerns.

A coordination meeting has also been scheduled for January 18, 2025, at Patran to collectively plan and discuss future actions.

Participants reaffirmed their commitment to work together in resisting these attacks on farmers’ livelihoods.

The visit of the six-member committee, accompanied by SKM leaders, to Khanauri Border on January 10 to meet farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, followed by another visit to Shambu Border, highlighted their collective resolve.

Dallewal's hunger strike reached its 49th day on Monday at the Khanauri border. Doctors attending to him reported that his condition is worsening rapidly, and he is now struggling to speak due to severe weakness.

The rescheduled meeting at Patran and the symbolic act of burning copies of the National Policy Framework on Agricultural Marketing on January 13 further demonstrated a unified front against the policy.

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