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BPSC Exam Controversy: Prashant Kishor Begins 'Fast Unto Death' in Patna

On Tuesday, the Congress and the Left party legislators, along with MPs, marched in solidarity with protesting students over the BPSC paper leak controversy.

BPSC Exam Controversy: Prashant Kishor Begins 'Fast Unto Death' in Patna

Prashant Kishor began a fast at Gandhi Maidan on Thursday. Image: X/@jansuraajonline

Jan Suraaj Party chief Prashant Kishor announced on Thursday (January 2) his decision to begin a fast unto death in Patna, calling for the cancellation of the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) examination.

The party, through its official social media channels, stated, "Prashant Kishor began a fast unto death under the Gandhi statue at Gandhi Maidan to protest against the deteriorating education system and corrupt examination practices."
Kishor alleged widespread corruption in the recruitment process, claiming that "thousands of crores of rupees have exchanged hands" for posts to be filled through the BPSC exam.

He criticized his former mentor, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, for remaining silent on the issue despite the ongoing protests for nearly two weeks.

"The candidates are protesting in the freezing cold, facing police baton charges and water cannons, while the Chief Minister is in Delhi enjoying himself," Kishor remarked.

"When approached by reporters in the national capital, he refused to comment on the agitation," he added.

Kishor also alleged that the reluctance to cancel the examination stemmed from corruption.

"Protesting candidates believe the refusal to order a fresh exam is because crores have already been exchanged for posts to be filled through the December 13 test," he claimed.

The controversy arose after nearly five lakh candidates appeared for the Combined Competitive Exams at over 900 centers statewide. Allegations of a question paper leak at an exam center in Patna led to hundreds of candidates boycotting the test.

While the Bihar Public Service Commission denied the allegations and termed them part of a "conspiracy" to derail the examination, it did order a re-examination for over 10,000 candidates assigned to the Bapu Pariksha Parisar, the center at the heart of the controversy.

Protesters argue that a re-examination for a small group of candidates violates the principle of a level-playing field and have demanded the cancellation of the entire exam.

On Tuesday, the Congress and the Left party legislators, along with MPs, marched in solidarity with protesting students over the BPSC paper leak controversy.

Meanwhile, on Monday, youth and student wings of Left parties, led by the All India Students Association (AISA) and the Revolutionary Youth Association (RYA), had organized a statewide 'chakka jam' in protest.

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