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Statewide Agitation Intensifies Against BPSC 70th PT Exam in Bihar

Students, political parties, and activists united in a massive show of dissent, with demonstrations erupting across the state.

Statewide Agitation Intensifies Against BPSC 70th PT Exam in Bihar

Students and youth protested in Patna on Friday, demanding the cancellation and re-conduct of the BPSC 70th PT Exam. (Image: Facebook/CPI(ML) Bihar)

Bihar witnessed widespread protests on Friday (January 3) as demands for the cancellation and re-conduct of the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) 70th Preliminary Test (PT) gained momentum.

Students, political parties, and activists united in a massive show of dissent, with demonstrations erupting across the state.

In Patna, the agitation escalated dramatically when protestors broke through barricades at the JP roundabout near Gandhi Maidan and marched towards Dak Bungalow Chowk, aiming to proceed to the Chief Minister’s residence.

Student and youth organizations such as the All India Students Association (AISA) and the Revolutionary Youth Association (RYA), alongside CPI(ML) members and other Left mass organisations, played a pivotal role in amplifying the demands for justice.

Protestors chanted slogans during their ‘Mukhya Mantri ka Gherao’ campaign and jammed the Dak Bungalow intersection for hours, despite attempts by police to stop them at JP Golambar.

Political leaders joined in denouncing the government’s inaction.

CPI(ML) MLA Ajit Kushwaha condemned the alleged irregularities, calling them anti-democratic and warning that Bihar’s history of resisting oppressive measures would prevail.

"Efforts to silence Bihar's voices through force and intimidation have always been unsuccessful. We will face the Chief Minister directly to demand justice for the youth," Kushwaha said.

Paliganj MLA Sandeep Saurabh criticised the Nitish Kumar-led administration for its failure to resolve the issue, stating that the agitation had been ongoing for 17 days with no response.

Simultaneously, Purnea MP Rajesh Ranjan, widely known as Pappu Yadav, spearheaded another protest by blocking railway operations at Sachiwalay Halt. He and his supporters then marched to the Income Tax roundabout, vowing to disrupt key roads, including Bailey Road and Veerchand Patel Path.

The protests have disrupted life across the state. Demonstrators blocked key highways and intersections, such as the Muzaffarpur-Barauni Highway near Khabra Shiv Temple, causing extensive traffic congestion.

In Bhojpur’s Ara district, tyres were burned on the Ara-Sasaram Highway, halting movement.

In Purnea, protestors disrupted both road and rail operations, crippling transportation in the region.

In Gaya, the Manpur-Wazirganj main road was blocked, with slogans raised in solidarity with BPSC candidates.

As the protests gained momentum, the disruption extended to major highways, railway routes, and urban centres, resulting in long vehicle queues and halted railway services.

Demonstrators remain steadfast in their demand for the cancellation of the examination, calling for greater transparency and accountability in the recruitment process.

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