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Maharashtra: Fadnavis Govt Cuts Funding for Eggs and Sugar in Midday Meals

Madhya Pradesh had already eliminated eggs from the menu, and Goa recently scrapped its plan to introduce them following resistance from certain groups.

Maharashtra: Fadnavis Govt Cuts Funding for Eggs and Sugar in Midday Meals

Children eat midday meal at a school (representative image).

In a recent decision on January 28, the Maharashtra government announced it would discontinue funding for eggs and sugar in the midday meal programme for government-run schools, according to a report by Hindustan Times.

This marks a reversal from the government's November 2023 decision to introduce one egg per week in school meals to address protein deficiencies among children, with an option to choose fruit instead. However, following protests from right-wing groups, the policy was modified in January 2024 to exclude schools where at least 40% of parents opposed serving eggs.

As per the latest government resolution, schools wishing to continue providing eggs must now arrange funds through public contributions. The directive also extends to dishes such as egg pulao and sweet items, which will require external funding if served.

Previously, the state had allocated Rs 50 crore annually to provide eggs to 24 lakh students. With the revised policy, the focus will shift to ten alternative dishes prepared within the existing budget.

The midday meal programme, now known as the PM POSHAN scheme, is a centrally sponsored initiative aimed at providing one hot cooked meal daily to students in government and government-aided schools.

While the Union government bears the majority of the cost, states and Union Territories contribute 40% and oversee implementation.

Maharashtra is not the first state to remove eggs from school meals. Madhya Pradesh had already eliminated eggs from the menu, and Goa recently scrapped its plan to introduce them following resistance from certain groups.

In contrast, several southern states have expanded their egg distribution to ensure adequate protein intake for children.

Karnataka recently announced that students under the midday meal scheme would receive an egg six days a week.

Similarly, Kerala has allocated an additional Rs 22.66 crore to provide eggs once a week and milk twice a week.

According to data presented in the Lok Sabha in February 2023, a total of 14 states and one Union Territory include eggs in their midday meal programme.

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