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In an Open Letter to Health Minister, ASHA Workers Demand Rights, Not Just Republic Day Honours

The letter raises concerns over non-payment of wages for months in several states due to delays in fund allocation by the Union Government.

In an Open Letter to Health Minister, ASHA Workers Demand Rights, Not Just Republic Day Honours

An ASHA Workers' rally in Delhi (representative image).

In an open letter to Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda, the ASHA Workers’ and Facilitators’ Federation of India (AWFFI) has raised serious concerns over the plight of ASHA workers across the country.
While thanking the government for inviting 250 ASHA workers as special guests for the 76th Republic Day celebrations in Delhi, the letter highlights that symbolic gestures are no substitute for real rights and recognition.
The federation pointed out that ASHA workers are the "backbone of the health sector across the country" and that their contribution is essential in maternal and child care, infectious disease control, and programs like the Tuberculosis Elimination Mission.
Their tireless efforts, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, even earned them global recognition from the WHO as ‘Global Leaders.’
However, despite their crucial role, ASHA workers continue to face severe exploitation and neglect. The letter strongly criticizes the meagre and irregular wages paid to ASHA workers. The assured incentives remain a mere Rs 2,000 per month, and the last revision of piece-rated incentives was made back in 2010. The letter states:
“Isn’t it shameful for our republic which completed 75 years, that the ASHA workers who are working among the people even at the outbreak of pandemics and communicable diseases even without adequate safety gear, are not recognised as employees or workers but are considered ‘volunteers’ and get only piece rate wages called incentives and the assured incentives are only Rs.2000 a month.”
The federation further highlights that ASHA workers receive no social security, no health insurance, and not even maternity leave.
The letter also draws attention to the long-pending issue of regularization, reminding the minister that the 45th Indian Labour Conference (ILC) in 2013 had recommended that ASHA workers be recognized as government employees and given minimum wages, social security, and pension benefits. Yet, no action has been taken in the past decade.
Additionally, it raises concerns over non-payment of wages for months in several states due to delays in fund allocation by the Union Government. 
Worse still, despite the sacrifices made during the COVID-19 pandemic, many ASHA workers lost their lives, and their families are still waiting for death compensation. The letter reveals that the Health Ministry does not even have an official record of the number of casualties.
Condemning the government’s approach of offering symbolic honours while ignoring basic rights, the letter asserts:
“Such ‘honouring’ programmes organized by the Government without addressing the fact that ASHA workers and facilitators are being deprived of their rightful dignity and entitlements will be ridiculed by the ASHA workers and the public.”
Finally, the federation urges the government to take concrete measures in the upcoming Union Budget 2025-26, including:
Increased financial allocation for the National Health Mission (NHM)
Regularization of ASHA workers as government employees with statutory benefits
Timely payment of wages and incentives
Provision of health insurance, maternity benefits, and pension

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