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5,182 Vacancies in Teaching Posts Across Central Universities: Govt Informs Rajya Sabha

The information was provided by Sukanta Mazumdar, the Minister of State for Education, in response to an unstarred question.

5,182 Vacancies in Teaching Posts Across Central Universities: Govt Informs Rajya Sabha

Banaras Hindu University (Representative image). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

On Wednesday (November 27), the Centre revealed that there are currently 5,182 vacant teaching positions in central universities, as of October 31, 2024.

The information was provided by Sukanta Mazumdar, the Minister of State for Education, in a written reply, in response to an unstarred question in the Rajya Sabha.

In his reply, Mazumdar stated that vacancies in teaching positions arise due to factors such as retirements, resignations, and an increase in student enrolment, The Indian Express reported.

He said that filling these vacancies is the responsibility of the central universities. The Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission (UGC) regularly monitor the situation, and the central universities have been instructed to fill the vacancies through regular recruitment processes.

Additionally, the minister highlighted that over 7,650 teaching positions had been filled through special recruitment drives.

To streamline the process, the UGC launched the CU-Chayan portal on May 2, 2023, which serves as a unified platform for listing vacancies and job advertisements across all central universities.

In a separate response, the minister also shared that by October 29, 2024, a total of 25,777 positions, including 15,139 faculty posts, were filled in Central Higher Education Institutions (CHEIs) on a mission mode, reported the newspaper.

Across institutions such as CUs, IITs, IIITs, NITs, IIMs, IISc Bangalore, and IISERs, 25,257 vacancies were filled, with 15,047 of them being faculty positions. This includes appointments of 1,869 for Scheduled Castes (SC), 739 for Scheduled Tribes (ST), and 3,089 for Other Backward Classes (OBC).

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