A six-year-old Dalit child, who was allegedly coerced by some teachers into cleaning the toilet, was discovered locked in a classroom at a government primary school in Jansath area of Muzaffarnagar district, the police informed the news agency PTI.
The incident occurred on Tuesday, August 6, when a first-grade student was found locked in a school classroom, allegedly due to the negligence of Principal Sandhya Jain and class teacher Ravita Rani.
According to the news agency, the child's mother has filed a police complaint alleging that the two teachers consistently forced her son to clean the toilet due to their "hatred" towards Dalit children.
She claimed that, due to the teachers' negligence, her son was left locked in the classroom for over an hour after school had ended. When her son did not come home after school, she asked other students about him, but they were unaware of his whereabouts, she said.
She reported that when she arrived at the school, she found it closed and heard her child crying inside. Subsequently, the villagers and her family members contacted the principal.
Basic Shiksha Adhikari (BSA) Sandeep Kumar informed PTI that the principal has been suspended and teacher Ravita Rani has received an adverse entry in her record.
An investigation has been launched, with a two-member committee headed by the Block Shiksha Adhikari of Jansath and Shahpur assigned to look into the issue. The committee is expected to deliver its findings within three days.
The incident occurred on Tuesday, August 6, when a first-grade student was found locked in a school classroom, allegedly due to the negligence of Principal Sandhya Jain and class teacher Ravita Rani.
According to the news agency, the child's mother has filed a police complaint alleging that the two teachers consistently forced her son to clean the toilet due to their "hatred" towards Dalit children.
She claimed that, due to the teachers' negligence, her son was left locked in the classroom for over an hour after school had ended. When her son did not come home after school, she asked other students about him, but they were unaware of his whereabouts, she said.
She reported that when she arrived at the school, she found it closed and heard her child crying inside. Subsequently, the villagers and her family members contacted the principal.
Basic Shiksha Adhikari (BSA) Sandeep Kumar informed PTI that the principal has been suspended and teacher Ravita Rani has received an adverse entry in her record.
An investigation has been launched, with a two-member committee headed by the Block Shiksha Adhikari of Jansath and Shahpur assigned to look into the issue. The committee is expected to deliver its findings within three days.
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