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4th Anniversary of Delhi Chalo: SKM and CTUs Lead Massive Protests Across India

The protests were organized jointly by CTUs, Independent Sectoral Federations, Associations, and the SKM.

4th Anniversary of Delhi Chalo: SKM and CTUs Lead Massive Protests Across India

A protest rally in Samastipur, Bihar. Photo by arrangement.

In a massive display of solidarity, around a million workers and farmers mobilized across India on Tuesday (November 26), marking the 4th anniversary of the All India General Strike called by Central Trade Unions (CTUs) and the launch of the Delhi Chalo movement by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM).

The protests were organized jointly by CTUs, Independent Sectoral Federations, Associations, and the SKM.

The demonstrations were held at district headquarters in over 500 locations, with active participation across urban and rural areas, as well as industrial zones. In many workplaces, employees held lunch-hour protests in solidarity. Leaders from CTUs and SKM addressed gatherings and submitted a representation to the President of India, urging intervention to safeguard the interests of workers, farmers, and the broader public.

In certain regions, the protests faced resistance. In Bhagalpur, Bihar, police resorted to lathi charges on demonstrators outside the District Magistrate's office, injuring six individuals and detaining three leaders. Such incidents were condemned by leaders as acts of suppression against peaceful demonstrations.

Participants expressed anger over the steep rise in essential commodity prices and the erosion of basic entitlements. Students, youth, women, teachers, professionals, and members from cultural and artistic communities joined the protests in solidarity, voicing their sector-specific concerns alongside broader demands.

Protesters demanded a shift away from pro-corporate policies and emphasized the need to prioritize the basic entitlements of workers and farmers. Local issues were also highlighted at demonstrations in front of District Magistrates' offices across the country.

The CTUs and SKM issued a joint press statement reaffirming their commitment to intensify the movement for justice and equity. A meeting is planned to review the campaign and strategize further actions to ensure the fulfilment of their demands.

Read the full press release below: 

Press Release 

26 November 2024

The following statement issued to the media on the joint agitation program of the Central Trade Unions, independent Federations/Associations And Samyukt Kisan Morcha.

Massive turnout by workers and farmers in the Protest demonstrations held today, 26th November 2024

CTUs and SKM will intensify the struggles in the coming days

Around a million people join nationwide mass mobilisation today called upon by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha and the Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral Federations and Associations today 26 November 2024 on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the all India General strike by the CTUs and the beginning of the historic Delhi Chalo by the SKM.

The programmes were held in districts headquarters in most of the states in around five hundred places. The mass protests were also held in urban and rural India and in the industrial areas in many states. Lunch hour demonstrations were held in many offices in solidarity with the protest action. Leaders of the CTUs and SKM participated in various places.

In many places, police used force and even resorted to lathi charge. In Bhagalpur, Bihar, police lathicharged the workers and farmers who were demonstrating in front of the DM’s office. Six people were injured. Police has arrested three leaders.

Angered by the unprecedented rise in prices of essential food items recently, the participants resolved to intensify the joint struggles for the basic entitlements. Many a places the participation by the mass organisations of students, youth, women, teachers, other professionals and those from the field of art, culture and literature also joined with their respective demands and in solidarity with demands of trade unions and farmer organizations. At the demonstrations in front of the DM’s offices, many local demands also were raised by the platforms.

The leaders who led the demonstrations submitted to the officials a representation addressed to the President of India to seek her intervention in the interest of workers, farmers, the people at large and in the national interest. (The representation is attached for your reference).

The CTUs and SKM will meet soon to take the review of the campaign and further intensification of struggles for achieving their demands with the shift in the pro-corporate policy paradigm of the incumbent Government.

Issued by

Central Trade Unions, Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations And Samyukta Kisan Morcha

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