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360 Villages of Delhi Set for Mahapanchayat; Poll Boycott on Agenda

Under the banner of the ‘Gaon Dehat Bachao Yatra’ campaign, village panchayats aim to highlight longstanding grievances.

360 Villages of Delhi Set for Mahapanchayat; Poll Boycott on Agenda

Representative image. Courtesy: X/@CHSurender360

Facing unresolved demands around land reforms, compensation, and civic issues, residents of all 360 villages in Delhi are set to convene a Mahapanchayat in Northwest Delhi on Sunday (December 22).

The meeting will decide whether to boycott the upcoming Assembly elections or rally behind a single political party.

Under the banner of the ‘Gaon Dehat Bachao Yatra’ campaign, village panchayats aim to highlight longstanding grievances, The Indian Express reported.

“Many issues are pending, including land reforms, house tax and compensation against land acquired by the government,” Chaudhury Surender Solanki, leader of the Palam 360 Khap told the newspaper.

“Whatever strategy we decide upon, we will take a call collectively and act as one unit in the elections,” he added.

According to Solanki, while meetings with AAP national convener and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal yielded no significant outcomes, discussions with Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena resulted in some progress.

“Issues related to mutation of land, release of money in connection to Dilli Gramodaya Abhiyan, abolition of the requirement to get NOC (no objection certificate) from DDA (Delhi Development Authority) to get an electric meter installed and Gram Sabha land being handed over to private institutions, have been resolved,” he noted.

However, key demands remain unmet. Villagers are still waiting for the allocation of alternative plots for land acquired by the government since the early 2000s. Solanki also accused the authorities of seizing village gram sabha land under the guise of urbanization.

The Mahapanchayat’s decision is expected to shape voter behaviour, signalling the mounting frustration among rural communities over unresolved issues.

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