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16 Indians Serving in Russian Army Missing, Confirms MEA

MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal shared that out of 126 Indians enlisted in the Russian armed forces, 96 have been discharged and returned to India.

16 Indians Serving in Russian Army Missing, Confirms MEA

Screengrab of a video posted by DD India

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has announced that 16 Indian nationals serving in the Russian military are currently unaccounted for, while 12 have lost their lives.

MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal shared that out of 126 Indians enlisted in the Russian armed forces, 96 have been discharged and returned to India.

“As of today, we have recorded 126 cases involving Indians who were either serving in the Russian armed forces or had been associated with them. Of these 126 cases, 96 people have returned to India and have been discharged from the Russian armed forces,” Jaiswal stated.

“18 Indian nationals in the Russian Army remain and out of them, the whereabouts of 16 individuals are not known. The Russian side has categorised them as missing. We are seeking an early release and repatriation of those who remain,” he added.

The development follows recent developments concerning two Indian nationals from Kerala who were caught in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Binil T.B., a 32-year-old from Wadakkanchery in Thrissur district, was killed in a drone attack, while his relative, Jain T.K., 27, sustained serious injuries and is undergoing treatment in Moscow.

Expressing condolences to the bereaved family, Jaiswal emphasized that the Indian Embassy in Moscow is in contact with the families, ensuring all possible support. Efforts are underway to expedite the transportation of Binil’s mortal remains to India and to facilitate the repatriation of the injured individual.

“We are actively engaging with the Russian authorities to expedite the release and repatriation of those who remain there,” he informed.

The MEA reiterated its longstanding request for the discharge of all remaining Indian nationals serving in the Russian armed forces. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had previously raised this issue with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their meeting in Kazan on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in October 2024.

The Indian government has intensified its diplomatic engagement with Russian authorities, both in Moscow and New Delhi, to ensure the safe return of all affected nationals.

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