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Nishikant Dubey Seeks Privilege Action Against Rahul Gandhi Over Lok Sabha Speech, Writes to Speaker

Dubey accused Gandhi of distorting historical facts and attempting to ridicule the country, thereby lowering the prestige of the Republic.

Nishikant Dubey Seeks Privilege Action Against Rahul Gandhi Over Lok Sabha Speech, Writes to Speaker

BJP MP Nishikant Dubey in Lok Sabha on Monday. Screengrab from a Sansad TV video.

BJP MP Nishikant Dubey wrote to Speaker Om Birla on Tuesday (February 4), seeking privilege proceedings against Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi regarding his speech in the Lok Sabha on Monday.

Dubey accused Gandhi of distorting historical facts and attempting to ridicule the country, thereby lowering the prestige of the Republic.

In his speech, Gandhi took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign policy, questioning why he was not invited to the inauguration of former US President Donald Trump on January 20. 

He alleged that had India possessed a robust production system, there would have been no need for the External Affairs Minister (EAM) to make multiple visits to the US to ‘seek’ an invitation for the Prime Minister. He claimed that if India had a strong production system and technological advancements, the American president would instead visit and invite the Indian prime minister.

“Rahul Gandhi, in his speech on the floor of the House, has inter alia raised six issues, viz. the mobile phones are not made in India but only assembled in India; forcibly capturing vast land in the Eastern Regions of our Country by China; our Country was not invited by the United States of America during the swearing-in ceremony of H.E. Mr. Donald Trump as the President; recent election to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly; appointment of Chief Election Commissioner/Election Commissioners in the Election Commission of India; and the caste-based census,” Dubey wrote in his letter to the Speaker.
He also referred to Gandhi’s remarks on the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections, the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners, and the demand for a caste-based census.

Criticizing Gandhi’s statements, Dubey noted that despite being reminded in the House to authenticate his claims, the Congress leader neither provided verification nor retracted his remarks.

“I wish to remind that during his speech, your good self was also candid in reminding him that whatever he is speaking on the floor of the House has to be authenticated by him. However, to the best of my knowledge, this ‘erudite’ person has neither authenticated his gibberish canards nor apologized for using the pious forum of Parliament to defame our Country and the elected Government,” Dubey added.

He accused Gandhi of using the parliamentary platform to spread misinformation and defame both the country and its elected government.

Dubey further argued that Gandhi had misinterpreted Article 105 of the Constitution, which grants privileges and immunities to Parliament and its members.

He alleged that Gandhi continued to believe in the unchecked privileges of a political dynasty but failed to recognize that Article 105 does not grant absolute power.

Meanwhile, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar dismissed Gandhi’s claims as falsehoods, stating that such remarks, though politically motivated, could harm India’s global standing.

In a statement on X, Jaishankar asserted that Gandhi’s lies may serve his political interests but ultimately damage the nation’s reputation abroad.

“Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi deliberately spoke a falsehood about my visit to the US in December 2024. I went to meet the Secretary of State and NSA of the Biden Administration. Also to chair a gathering of our Consuls General. During my stay, the incoming NSA-designate met with me,” Jaishankar wrote.

“Rahul Gandhi’s lies may be intended politically. But they damage the nation abroad,” he added.

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