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West Bengal Govt Increases Monthly Allowance for Karmabandhus to Rs 5,000

The TMC government introduced the karmabandhu role to assist multiple departments with part-time personnel needs.

West Bengal Govt Increases Monthly Allowance for Karmabandhus to Rs 5,000

West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee. Image: Facebook/MamataBanerjee

On Thursday (November 14), the West Bengal government announced an increase in the monthly allowance for ‘karmabandhus’—part-time government workers—from Rs 3,000 to Rs 5,000.
Employed mainly as cleaners or night watchmen, karmabandhus serve as support staff across various state departments.

The Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government introduced the karmabandhu role to assist multiple departments with part-time personnel needs.

The official notification from the government read, “In terms of finance department memo No. 7284-F(P2)/ FA/ 0 / 2M-l dated 27/ 11/ 2017 remuneration of part-time karmabandhu paid out of contingency was enhanced to Rs 3,000 per month with effect from 01/01/2018. The question of revision of remuneration of part-time karmabandhus was under active consideration of the government for some time. Now, the government has decided that remuneration of part-time karmabandhus paid out of contingency would be enhanced to Rs 5,000 per month. No other allowance would be admissible to them. This order shall take effect from 01.09.2024.”

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