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UCC in Uttarakhand: Live-in Couples Must Register or Face Penalties

The registration process can be completed online or offline, requiring proof of age, residency, and details of any previous relationships.

UCC in Uttarakhand: Live-in Couples Must Register or Face Penalties

Image used for illustrative purposes only (Bill Graphic)

On January 27, the Uttarakhand government, introduced Uniform Civil Code (UCC) regulations to govern live-in relationships, making it the first state in India to implement such a law.

According to The Indian Express, under the new rules, couples in live-in relationships must register within a month of commencement. The registration process can be completed online or offline, requiring proof of age, residency, and details of any previous relationships.

The law applies only to heterosexual couples and defines a live-in relationship as cohabitation between a man and a woman in the nature of marriage.

Additionally, 74 types of relationships, including first-cousin partnerships, are prohibited. The relationship must be consensual and free from coercion or undue influence.

A unique provision of the Uttarakhand UCC mandates that couples must obtain a certificate from a religious leader to confirm their eligibility to marry. The law also seeks to provide legal safeguards to individuals in such relationships.

Women can claim maintenance if abandoned by their live-in partner, while children born from such relationships will be considered legitimate and entitled to inheritance rights.

The regulations also protect couples from discrimination in housing, ensuring that landlords cannot refuse tenancy solely because they are unmarried, provided they have a registration certificate.

Non-compliance with the registration requirement can result in legal consequences. Failure to register a live-in relationship may lead to imprisonment for up to three months or a fine of Rs 10,000.

The Registrar has the authority to issue a notice for registration, and individuals who fail to comply may face further penalties, including a jail term of up to six months, a fine of Rs 25,000, or both. Filing false complaints under these provisions can also attract fines and legal action.

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