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Rajasthan to Introduce Anti-Conversion Bill in Upcoming Assembly Session

The decision was finalized during a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma on Saturday (November 30).

Rajasthan to Introduce Anti-Conversion Bill in Upcoming Assembly Session

Rajasthan CM Bhajan Lal Sharma. Image: @BhajanlalBjp/X

The BJP-led Rajasthan government has announced plans to introduce a bill aimed at curbing religious conversions through force, fraud, or inducement.

The decision was finalized during a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma on Saturday (November 30).

The Rajasthan Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill, 2024 is set to be tabled in the upcoming Assembly session.

According to Law and Legal Affairs Minister Jogaram Patel, the state currently lacks specific legislation to address illegal religious conversions, reported The Indian Express.

The proposed law aims to prohibit conversions carried out through fraud, force, undue influence, or misrepresentation. It also seeks to penalize individuals or institutions involved in such activities. Violations will be treated as cognizable and non-bailable offenses, with stringent penalties.

“The Rajasthan Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill-2024 will be tabled in the upcoming session of the Assembly to stop attempts of conversion by inducement or fraud. At present there is no specific law in the state regarding stopping illegal conversion, so its proposal was approved after consideration in the cabinet meeting,” Patel said.

Additionally, the bill states that marriages conducted with the intention of religious conversion in violation of the law could be annulled by a family court.

Patel said that Rajasthan would join other states, including Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh, which already have similar laws in place.

The bill mandates that anyone seeking to voluntarily convert to another religion must submit an application to the district magistrate at least 60 days in advance.

The district magistrate will verify the circumstances to ensure the conversion is voluntary. If found to be free from coercion or inducement, the conversion will be permitted.

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