Following the demolition of a temple platform in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr, by the Avas Vikas Parishad using a bulldozer, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Meenakshi Singh rushed to the site and reprimanded the housing development officials in front of local residents. She even threatened to hit them with her shoes.
The video of the woman MLA threatening to hit officials with a shoe went viral on social media and has drawn criticism towards the leader.
BJP MLA from Khurja, confronted the officials, questioning how they could demolish Hindu temples during the month of Sawan and accusing them of attempting to defame the government. She demanded an apology from the officials and warned that if they did not comply, the public might remove their shoes and beat them severely.
In the video, the woman MLA is seen shouting at an officer in the middle of the road, saying, "Apologize to everyone, otherwise they will take out their shoes and hit you so hard that you will forget.”
Later, the SDM arrived at the scene and assured that action would be taken against those responsible for the demolition.
The incident reportedly occurred on August 6th, when officials from the Avas Vikas Parishad arrived at the Housing Development Colony in Khurja with a bulldozer.
A section of the temple's platform was also demolished with a bulldozer. Following this, tension spread throughout the area. Upon learning of the demolition, the residents of the colony gathered in large numbers.
When Singh learned about the incident, she promptly arrived at the scene and began threatening the officials from the Housing Development Property Corporation, demanding that they apologize publicly or face being hit with shoes.
As the commotion intensified, a heavy police presence was dispatched, and the SDM arrived at the scene. They were able to calm the situation and assuring that action would be taken against those responsible for the demolition.
SDM, Durgesh Singh clarified that the statue of the deity in the temple was not damaged; only the platform was damaged.
The video of the woman MLA threatening to hit officials with a shoe went viral on social media and has drawn criticism towards the leader.
BJP MLA from Khurja, confronted the officials, questioning how they could demolish Hindu temples during the month of Sawan and accusing them of attempting to defame the government. She demanded an apology from the officials and warned that if they did not comply, the public might remove their shoes and beat them severely.
In the video, the woman MLA is seen shouting at an officer in the middle of the road, saying, "Apologize to everyone, otherwise they will take out their shoes and hit you so hard that you will forget.”
Later, the SDM arrived at the scene and assured that action would be taken against those responsible for the demolition.
The incident reportedly occurred on August 6th, when officials from the Avas Vikas Parishad arrived at the Housing Development Colony in Khurja with a bulldozer.
A section of the temple's platform was also demolished with a bulldozer. Following this, tension spread throughout the area. Upon learning of the demolition, the residents of the colony gathered in large numbers.
When Singh learned about the incident, she promptly arrived at the scene and began threatening the officials from the Housing Development Property Corporation, demanding that they apologize publicly or face being hit with shoes.
As the commotion intensified, a heavy police presence was dispatched, and the SDM arrived at the scene. They were able to calm the situation and assuring that action would be taken against those responsible for the demolition.
SDM, Durgesh Singh clarified that the statue of the deity in the temple was not damaged; only the platform was damaged.
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