Haryana police arrested five cow vigilantes who are accused of killing a class 12 student on August 23. The police report indicates that the suspects chased the student's car before opening fire, mistakenly believing he was a cattle smuggler.
The five accused have been identified as Saurabh, Anil Kaushik, Varun, Krishna and Adesh, the police said, news agency PTI reported.
During interrogation, the accused revealed that on the night of August 23, they had received information about suspected cattle smugglers in two SUVs conducting surveillance in the city.
According to a senior police officer, the cow vigilantes mistakenly identified Aryan Mishra and his friends, Shanky and Harshit, as cattle smugglers. They subsequently chased their car for approximately 30 kilometers near the Gadhpuri toll on the Delhi-Agra National Highway.
When the vigilantes signalled for the car to stop, the driver accelerated, prompting them to open fire. Mishra was shot and killed near Palwal, the police said, reported PTI.
The five accused have been identified as Saurabh, Anil Kaushik, Varun, Krishna and Adesh, the police said, news agency PTI reported.
During interrogation, the accused revealed that on the night of August 23, they had received information about suspected cattle smugglers in two SUVs conducting surveillance in the city.
According to a senior police officer, the cow vigilantes mistakenly identified Aryan Mishra and his friends, Shanky and Harshit, as cattle smugglers. They subsequently chased their car for approximately 30 kilometers near the Gadhpuri toll on the Delhi-Agra National Highway.
When the vigilantes signalled for the car to stop, the driver accelerated, prompting them to open fire. Mishra was shot and killed near Palwal, the police said, reported PTI.
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