Women from the Dalit community and other backward classes residing in Jai Bhim Nagar in Mumbai, who came out to participated in the midnight protest on August 14 against the rape and murder of a junior doctor from Kolkata's R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, were reportedly asked to leave the protest site by the women from more privileged backgrounds, news website The Wire reported.
During a peaceful gathering organized by the women residents of Hiranandani Gardens in the upscale Powai area of Mumbai under the banner of "Concerned Citizens," around 60-80 women and a few men from the recently demolished Jai Bhim Nagar slums, located nearby, joined the protest.
The women protesters from Jai Bhim Nagar basti carried placards that read: “Jai Bhim Nagar Women Demand Safety!” However, upon joining the protest, they were met with opposition from the upper-class women of the housing society, who asked their Bahujan counterparts to leave the site.
“Your issues are different from those raised here,” one of the protesters from posh society said, reported The Wire.
Another said, "This is an exclusive protest only for residents of the Hiranandani complex."
The women from the Jai Bhim Nagar slums attempted to engage with the residents of Hiranandani Gardens, sharing their experiences of living in the open and the ongoing threat of sexual violence they face.
The conversation quickly turned hostile, with one resident of Hiranandani Gardens even snatching placards from the Jai Bhim Nagar protesters. Despite their efforts to remain resilient, the women from Jai Bhim Nagar were ultimately driven away from the protest site.
According to The Wire, the demolition of the Jai Bhim Nagar slums occurred on June 6, coinciding with the start of the monsoon season. Approximately 650 families lost their homes, which they had occupied for over twenty years. While some migrant families returned to their villages, many others had no choice but to remain in the area. Now, the footpaths surrounding the former slum area have become their makeshift "homes."
Many residents of Jai Bhim Nagar allege that the demolition was executed at the behest of the Hiranandani developers.
On June 6, as residents protested the demolition, several men—reportedly hired by Hiranandani—gathered at the site and forcibly removed women and children.
When the residents resisted, the police intervened and charged many of them under non-bailable sections, resulting in their arrest.
During a peaceful gathering organized by the women residents of Hiranandani Gardens in the upscale Powai area of Mumbai under the banner of "Concerned Citizens," around 60-80 women and a few men from the recently demolished Jai Bhim Nagar slums, located nearby, joined the protest.
The women protesters from Jai Bhim Nagar basti carried placards that read: “Jai Bhim Nagar Women Demand Safety!” However, upon joining the protest, they were met with opposition from the upper-class women of the housing society, who asked their Bahujan counterparts to leave the site.
“Your issues are different from those raised here,” one of the protesters from posh society said, reported The Wire.
Another said, "This is an exclusive protest only for residents of the Hiranandani complex."
The women from the Jai Bhim Nagar slums attempted to engage with the residents of Hiranandani Gardens, sharing their experiences of living in the open and the ongoing threat of sexual violence they face.
The conversation quickly turned hostile, with one resident of Hiranandani Gardens even snatching placards from the Jai Bhim Nagar protesters. Despite their efforts to remain resilient, the women from Jai Bhim Nagar were ultimately driven away from the protest site.
Hiranandani residents held a protest for the safety of women, condemning the rape of a doctor in Kolkata.
— Sulochana (@Sulochana97) August 16, 2024
When women residents of Jai Bhim Nagar, wanted to join the protest, they were denied permission and accused of "hijacking" the protest. /3
Via @jaibhimnagar_bachav on Insta pic.twitter.com/tGXpZ5EDwd
According to The Wire, the demolition of the Jai Bhim Nagar slums occurred on June 6, coinciding with the start of the monsoon season. Approximately 650 families lost their homes, which they had occupied for over twenty years. While some migrant families returned to their villages, many others had no choice but to remain in the area. Now, the footpaths surrounding the former slum area have become their makeshift "homes."
Many residents of Jai Bhim Nagar allege that the demolition was executed at the behest of the Hiranandani developers.
On June 6, as residents protested the demolition, several men—reportedly hired by Hiranandani—gathered at the site and forcibly removed women and children.
When the residents resisted, the police intervened and charged many of them under non-bailable sections, resulting in their arrest.
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