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Infosys Co-founder and IISc Members Booked Under SC/ST Act Over Alleged Wrongful Dismissal

While some have condemned the alleged casteism within academic and organizational leadership, others view it as a potential misuse of the SC/ST Act.

Infosys Co-founder and IISc Members Booked Under SC/ST Act Over Alleged Wrongful Dismissal

Senapathy Kris Gopalakrishnan. Image: Wikimedia Commons

Senapathy Kris Gopalakrishnan, co-founder of Infosys, along with 17 members of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), has been booked under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.

The case stems from a police complaint filed by Professor D. Sanna Durgappa, who alleged wrongful dismissal from service and caste-based discrimination.

Durgappa, a former faculty member at the IISc’s Centre for Sustainable Technologies and a member of the Bovi (Scheduled Caste) community in Karnataka, approached the 71st City Civil and Sessions Court in Bengaluru.

Following the court's directive, the Sadashivanagar police registered a case on January 27.

The professor claims he was dismissed in 2014 after being implicated in a fabricated honey trap case. He further alleged that he was subjected to casteist abuse by the accused, as reported by PTI.

Among the accused are prominent figures, including Gopalakrishnan, who currently serves on the IISc board of trustees and was previously CEO and managing director of Infosys (2007–2011). Others named in the complaint include IISc directors Govindan Rangarajan and Balaram P., registrar Sridhar Warrier, and several faculty members, such as Sandya Vishwswaraih, Hari K. V. S., Dasappa, Hemalata Mhishi, Chattopadyaya K., Pradeep D. Sawkar, and Manoharan.

The case has sparked heated debates on social media. While some have condemned the alleged casteism within academic and organizational leadership, others view it as a potential misuse of the SC/ST Act.

The accused have yet to respond to the allegations, and investigations are ongoing.

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