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BJP Misusing Institutions, Creating Atmosphere of Fear: CPI(ML) Chief

Turning his attention to Bihar, Bhattacharya criticized Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, claiming his government had been hijacked by the BJP.

BJP Misusing Institutions, Creating Atmosphere of Fear: CPI(ML) Chief

Badlo Bihar Sammelan organized by the CPI(ML) at Nagar Bhawan in Munger on Saturday. Image: Facebook/CPI(ML) Bihar

CPI(ML) General Secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya has accused the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) of creating an atmosphere of fear by misusing constitutional institutions and undermining the Constitution.

Speaking at the divisional-level Badlo Bihar Sammelan organized by the CPI(ML) at Nagar Bhawan in Munger on Saturday (January 18), Bhattacharya strongly condemned the BJP’s national-level program of religious polarization and appealed to people to unite in defence of their rights.

The program, chaired by a six-member presidential board and conducted by Dashrath Singh, brought together leaders and activists from various movements.

Bhattacharya alleged that the BJP and RSS are conspiring to foster communal divisions and create a politically narrow environment. He urged citizens to stand united against these tactics.

"An atmosphere of fear is being created in the country through the misuse of constitutional institutions. The BJP is undermining the Constitution. We strongly condemn the religious polarization campaign being orchestrated by the BJP at the national level and appeal to the people to unite in defence of their rights," Bhattacharya said.

Turning his attention to Bihar, Bhattacharya criticized Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, claiming his government had been hijacked by the BJP.

He described Nitish as "mentally weak" and silent on critical issues such as reservation, despite earlier commitments to introduce 65% reservation during assembly elections.

"Nitish Kumar’s government in Bihar has been taken over by the BJP. Nitish Kumar himself appears mentally weakened and has remained silent on crucial issues like reservation," Bhattacharya stated.

He called for the inclusion of the 65% reservation provision in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution, citing Tamil Nadu’s success in securing 69% reservation in the past, which ensured legal protection from court interventions.

“Despite announcing 65% reservation during the assembly elections, his silence raises concerns. If his intentions are genuine, then the central government should be pressured to include the issue of 65% reservation in the 9th Schedule of the Constitution,” he asserted.

Addressing labour rights, Bhattacharya pointed out the plight of cooks, Anganwadi workers, and Asha workers, who are paid below minimum wages, and criticized the government for reneging on its promises.

He also highlighted the government’s inaction on issues such as old-age pensions and the suppression of student protests against exam paper leaks through lathi charges.

Bhattacharya emphasized the need to unite diverse public organizations into a collective movement, calling on them to play their revolutionary role in the current struggle.

Other speakers at the event included CPI(ML) Legislative Party leader Mehboob Alam, MLC Shashi Yadav, and National Scheme Workers General Secretary RN Thakur, who echoed Bhattacharya’s call for unity and action.

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