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Gurmeet Ram Rahim Granted 30-Day Parole Ahead of Delhi Polls

In the past, similar instances of parole and furlough for Singh have occurred near election periods in Punjab, Haryana, and neighboring states.

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Granted 30-Day Parole Ahead of Delhi Polls

Dera Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim. (File photo)

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the convicted chief of Dera Sacha Sauda, was released on a 30-day parole from Sunaria Jail in Rohtak, Haryana, on Tuesday (January 28).

His release comes just days ahead of the February 5 Delhi Assembly elections. The 57-year-old, serving a 20-year sentence since 2017 for raping two of his disciples, headed to the sect’s headquarters in Sirsa after his release, news agency PTI reported.

This marks the first time Singh has returned to the Dera in Sirsa since his conviction. Previously, during parole periods, he stayed at the sect’s ashram in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh.

According to one of his legal representatives, Singh plans to stay at Sirsa for ten days before moving to the Baghpat ashram for the remainder of his parole. Upon reaching Sirsa, Singh addressed his followers in a video message, urging them not to visit the Dera. A local police official also confirmed his arrival at the sect headquarters.

Singh's parole has drawn attention due to its timing, coinciding with the Delhi Assembly polls.

In the past, similar instances of parole and furlough for Singh have occurred near election periods in Punjab, Haryana, and neighboring states.

For instance, he was granted a 20-day parole on October 1 last year, just ahead of the October 5 Haryana Assembly elections.

In August 2022, he received a 21-day furlough, while in February 2022, he was granted a three-week furlough just before the Punjab Assembly elections.

Sikh organizations, including the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), have criticized the frequent granting of relief to Singh, accusing the authorities of political motives tied to election strategies.

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