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UP BJP MLA Booked for Gangrape, Criminal Intimidation and Fraud

The FIR was registered on Saturday, 10 days after the court order.

UP BJP MLA Booked for Gangrape, Criminal Intimidation and Fraud

BJP MLA from Bilsi, Harish Chandra Shakya. Image: X/@harishshakyabjp

Harish Chandra Shakya, Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) MLA from Bilsi, along with his two brothers and 13 alleged associates, has been booked for gangrape, fraud, and coercion, among other charges, following the directive of a special MP-MLA court in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh.

The FIR was registered on Saturday, 10 days after the court order.

Police have launched an investigation into the allegations and are gathering evidence.

Shakya, who has not been arrested, has denied the charges, stating that he has full faith in the police investigation, reported The Indian Express.

The case revolves around a piece of land near Poonam Lawn in Budhbai village, valued at approximately Rs 18 crore. The complainant claimed that MLA Shakya expressed interest in purchasing the property, and a deal was finalized for Rs 16.5 crore.

As per the agreement, 40% of the payment was to be made upfront, with the remainder due at the time of execution of the deed. However, only Rs 1 lakh was provided as an advance.

The complainant alleged that the MLA and his associates began exerting pressure to draft a written agreement without paying the agreed-upon amount. When this was resisted, his cousin was reportedly detained and tortured by the police.

The complainant further alleged that the MLA's associates prevented the petitioner from selling the land to another buyer. Additionally, the MLA’s associates forced them to sign documents undervaluing the land at just Rs 4 crore.

A more harrowing accusation emerged when the complainant claimed his wife was sexually assaulted at the MLA’s camp office on September 17, where she had gone to resolve the dispute. The MLA has also been accused of falsely implicating the complainant in cases of murder and rape.

“The case has been filed on charges of gangrape, criminal intimidation, fraud and other charges. All the accused are residents of Badaun,” the local SHO told The Indian Express, adding that all the accused are residents of Badaun.

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