In Rajasthan's Nagaur district, a woman with her legs bound was tied to a motorcycle by her husband and dragged across rubble and rocky terrain. A 40-second video of the distressing incident, which surfaced online on Monday, shows the woman being dragged behind the motorcycle. After the video went viral, the police intervened and arrested the man responsible.
The incident reportedly occurred about a month ago in Naharsinghpura village, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Panchaudi police station.
According to The Indian Express, the man, identified as Premaram Meghwal, aged 28 was reportedly intoxicated and engaged in an argument with his wife over her manner of speaking to his mother, Nagaur police said.
In his anger, Meghwal tied his wife to his motorcycle and dragged her around the village. A bystander recorded the disturbing incident and later shared the video with Meghwal’s sister-in-law. None of the bystanders, including the person who filmed the incident, intervened or attempted to help the woman.
Nagaur Superintendent of Police Narayan Togas informed that the police have taken suo-motu action against the man and have arrested him.
“After we saw the video, we arrested the man though the woman did not file any formal complaint. She had gone to Jaisalmer to stay with her sister-in-law after the incident. She is set to return to Nagaur soon. We will get to know about the actual reason for the incident and any other abuse that she might have faced at the hands of the accused after talking to her,” Togas told The Indian Express.
According to the police, Meghwal is unemployed and resides with his mother in the village. He married the woman approximately six months ago, and since then, their relationship has been marked by frequent conflicts. Neighbours reported that Meghwal is an alcoholic and routinely assaulted his wife.
The incident reportedly occurred about a month ago in Naharsinghpura village, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Panchaudi police station.
According to The Indian Express, the man, identified as Premaram Meghwal, aged 28 was reportedly intoxicated and engaged in an argument with his wife over her manner of speaking to his mother, Nagaur police said.
In his anger, Meghwal tied his wife to his motorcycle and dragged her around the village. A bystander recorded the disturbing incident and later shared the video with Meghwal’s sister-in-law. None of the bystanders, including the person who filmed the incident, intervened or attempted to help the woman.
Nagaur Superintendent of Police Narayan Togas informed that the police have taken suo-motu action against the man and have arrested him.
“After we saw the video, we arrested the man though the woman did not file any formal complaint. She had gone to Jaisalmer to stay with her sister-in-law after the incident. She is set to return to Nagaur soon. We will get to know about the actual reason for the incident and any other abuse that she might have faced at the hands of the accused after talking to her,” Togas told The Indian Express.
According to the police, Meghwal is unemployed and resides with his mother in the village. He married the woman approximately six months ago, and since then, their relationship has been marked by frequent conflicts. Neighbours reported that Meghwal is an alcoholic and routinely assaulted his wife.
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