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AIP Workers Detained in Srinagar During Hunger Strike for Engineer Rashid's Release

The protest took place at the Sangarmal Shopping Complex after local authorities denied the party’s request to hold the sit-in at Pratap Park in Lal Chowk.

AIP Workers Detained in Srinagar During Hunger Strike for Engineer Rashid's Release

Baramulla MP Sheikh Abdul Rashid alias Engineer Rashid. (File photo)

On Friday (January 31), several workers from the Awami Ittehad Party (AIP) were detained in Srinagar while participating in a hunger strike to demand the release of their leader, Sheikh Abdul Rashid, also known as Engineer Rashid, news agency PTI reported.

The protest took place at the Sangarmal Shopping Complex after local authorities denied the party’s request to hold the sit-in at Pratap Park in Lal Chowk.

The police, anticipating the protest, were stationed at the new location and quickly detained the AIP workers, including Rashid’s son, Abrar, transporting them to Kothibagh police station.

Before being taken away, Abrar expressed his frustration to the media, describing the restriction on his father’s attendance in Parliament as a "murder of democracy."

He emphasized that Rashid had been incarcerated for over five years and was denied the right to participate in parliamentary sessions.

The hunger strike was organized as a show of solidarity with Rashid, who had initiated an indefinite hunger strike in Tihar Jail.

Rashid had won the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat in the previous year’s election, defeating prominent figures such as Jammu and Kashmir’s Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and Sajad Gani Lone, president of the People’s Conference.

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