Actor and Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) MP Sunny Deol has been charged of cheating, extortion and forgery by a real estate developer turned film producer, Sorav Gupta of Sundawn Entertainment Pvt Ltd, reported the Hindustan Times.
While speaking at a press conference earlier this week, Gupta made serious allegation against Sunny Deol, stating that he had taken money from him in advance to do a film in 2016. Following that, Deol kept on taking money in the interim while promising that he would start the film, but eventually never ended up doing the film, even after Deol’s last release Gadar 2 became a huge hit.
Alleging that he signed a deal with Deol as the lead for his film on a fee of Rs 4cr, Gupta told the Hindustan Times City, “We gave him Rs 1cr in advance but instead of starting my film, he opted to shoot for Poster Boys (2017) instead. He kept asking me for more money and by now my Rs 2.55cr is in Sunny ji’s account. He also made me give money to another director, book Filmistaan studio and get an executive producer,” Gupta said, quoted HT.
Gupta also accused the BJP MP of forgery in an agreement with his company in 2023. “When we read the agreement, humne dekha ki unhonein toh panna hi change kar diya beech wala, jahan par fees ka amount Rs 4 cr ko badha kar Rs 8 cr kar diya aur profit to Rs 2 cr kar diya,” he said.
The newspaper reported that the producer’s charges have found support by the renowned filmmaker Suneel Darshan, at the same press conference. Alleging that he too is a victim of Deol’s cheating, Darshan said, “Sunny Deol acquired rights from my movie Ajay (1996) for overseas distribution and only made a partial payment. The balance payment never came through,” Darshan said, reported HT, adding, “Later, Sunny requested me to work on a project with him, saying, ‘Have faith in me, help me out’, and got me to pay him again.”
Gupta informed that a police complaint has been filed against Deol and a notice was served at his office. However, Deol’s office sent back the letter saying that he was out of the town. Attempts have been made to reach out to Deol, but all to no avail.
While speaking at a press conference earlier this week, Gupta made serious allegation against Sunny Deol, stating that he had taken money from him in advance to do a film in 2016. Following that, Deol kept on taking money in the interim while promising that he would start the film, but eventually never ended up doing the film, even after Deol’s last release Gadar 2 became a huge hit.
Alleging that he signed a deal with Deol as the lead for his film on a fee of Rs 4cr, Gupta told the Hindustan Times City, “We gave him Rs 1cr in advance but instead of starting my film, he opted to shoot for Poster Boys (2017) instead. He kept asking me for more money and by now my Rs 2.55cr is in Sunny ji’s account. He also made me give money to another director, book Filmistaan studio and get an executive producer,” Gupta said, quoted HT.
Gupta also accused the BJP MP of forgery in an agreement with his company in 2023. “When we read the agreement, humne dekha ki unhonein toh panna hi change kar diya beech wala, jahan par fees ka amount Rs 4 cr ko badha kar Rs 8 cr kar diya aur profit to Rs 2 cr kar diya,” he said.
The newspaper reported that the producer’s charges have found support by the renowned filmmaker Suneel Darshan, at the same press conference. Alleging that he too is a victim of Deol’s cheating, Darshan said, “Sunny Deol acquired rights from my movie Ajay (1996) for overseas distribution and only made a partial payment. The balance payment never came through,” Darshan said, reported HT, adding, “Later, Sunny requested me to work on a project with him, saying, ‘Have faith in me, help me out’, and got me to pay him again.”
Gupta informed that a police complaint has been filed against Deol and a notice was served at his office. However, Deol’s office sent back the letter saying that he was out of the town. Attempts have been made to reach out to Deol, but all to no avail.
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