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Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Eidgah Masjid Case: Supreme Court Defers Mosque Inspection to April

The Supreme Court had initially imposed the stay on January 16, 2024, noting that the case raised significant legal questions requiring resolution.

Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Eidgah Masjid Case: Supreme Court Defers Mosque Inspection to April

Shahi Idgah Mosque Complex and Krishna Temple. Image via X (formerly Twitter).

The Supreme Court on Wednesday (January 22) extended the stay on the Allahabad High Court’s December 14, 2023, order, which had allowed the inspection of the Shahi Idgah complex in Mathura by a court-appointed commissioner.

The inspection was sought in connection with the ongoing dispute between the Krishna Janmabhoomi and Shahi Idgah Masjid.

A bench comprising Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna and Justices Sanjay Kumar and K V Viswanathan, hearing appeals filed by the Mosque Committee challenging the High Court’s decision, directed that the stay would remain in place.

The matter has been scheduled for a detailed hearing in the week beginning April 1, 2025.

The Supreme Court had initially imposed the stay on January 16, 2024, noting that the case raised significant legal questions requiring resolution.

Hindu petitioners in the case claim that the Shahi Idgah mosque was constructed on the Krishna Janmasthan, regarded as the birthplace of Lord Krishna. They have filed multiple suits seeking legal remedies in this regard.

The Mosque Committee approached the Supreme Court to challenge the Allahabad High Court’s order, arguing that the High Court had transferred all related suits to itself while petitions challenging this transfer were still pending before the apex court.

The committee also contended that the High Court should not have granted interim relief to the Hindu petitioners during this time.

In December 2023, the Allahabad High Court ruled that the suits were not barred under the Places of Worship Act, 1991—a decision that has also been challenged before the Supreme Court.

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