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'Filing, Listing Collapsed': SC Flags Concerns Over Allahabad High Court Functioning

The Supreme Court had previously highlighted concerns regarding the Allahabad High Court.

'Filing, Listing Collapsed': SC Flags Concerns Over Allahabad High Court Functioning

Supreme Court of India and Allahabad High Court (Bill graphics).

The Supreme Court on Thursday (January 9), expressed concerns about the functioning of the Allahabad High Court, describing it as one of the high courts that warrants attention.

A bench comprising Justices Surya Kant and N. Kotiswar Singh made these remarks while hearing a plea by Uttar Pradesh MLA Abbas Ansari, who challenged the Allahabad High Court’s failure to adjudicate a property dispute, despite a specific directive from the Supreme Court, Live Law reported.

“Some of the High Courts, we don’t know what will happen…this (Allahabad High Court) is one of the High Courts which one should be worrisome about. Unfortunately, filing has collapsed, listing has collapsed…nobody knows which matter will be listed,” Justice Kant observed.

He further noted, “I was there on last Saturday, I had long interaction with some of the concerned judges and Registrar…it is the largest High Court.”

The Supreme Court had previously highlighted concerns regarding the Allahabad High Court.

In 2022, it flagged the disturbing pendency of bail applications for convicts who had served over 16 years of imprisonment without their appeals being addressed.

The present case involves a property in Jiamau, Lucknow. The Lucknow Development Authority demolished a bungalow built on the disputed land by Ansari and his sons, including Abbas Ansari, in 2020. The land is intended for the construction of flats under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

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