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Israel Continues to Kill Dozens of Palestinians Amid Uncertainty Regarding Ceasefire Talks

As ceasefire talks have been recently subject to speculations, Israel continued to commit daily massacres across the Gaza Strip.

Israel Continues to Kill Dozens of Palestinians Amid Uncertainty Regarding Ceasefire Talks

Gaza City after airstrikes in December 2023. Photo: Tasnim Agency/Wikimedia Commons

Israeli warplanes launched a series of airstrikes across the Gaza Strip on Friday, December 13, claiming dozens of lives, and leaving around one hundred others injured or reportedly missing. The majority of the airstrikes targeted the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

One day earlier, Israeli aerial attacks targeted aid securing personnel in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. At least 15 Palestinians were killed and several others injured in the onslaught. The repeated attacks on aid workers reportedly forced several relief organizations to withdraw their teams from the Gaza Strip, according to the Gaza Government Media Office.

Israel also blocked medical supplies from reaching Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza for the third time in four days according to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“Despite dire conditions in Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, WHO was denied three times in the last four days to access the hospital to deliver medical supplies and fuel; transfer critical patients to Al-Shifa Hospital; and deploy an international emergency medical team,” Ghebreyesus wrote on his account on X.

“Currently, there are 96 patients in the hospital, and health staff urgently need support,” he added.

The continuously deteriorating situation in the Gaza strip has raised the concerns of the humanitarian organizations and United Nations bodies. UK-based War Child organization shared a report on Wednesday, December 11 on the psychological impact of war on vulnerable children in Gaza. The report, which the organization described as the first of its kind, revealed that 96% of the children in Gaza believe death is imminent, while 49% expressed a wish to die due to the war.

Meanwhile, Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, and United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Muhannad Hadi sounded the alarm on Friday, December 13, over the “rapidly deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Gaza.”

“I am very concerned about the rapidly deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Gaza. Civilians are paying the price of the continuing exchange of fire between the parties,” Hadi said.

“In recent days, multiple strikes across the Gaza Strip have resulted in scores of reported fatalities, and numerous injuries. Women and children continue to be among the casualties. Such incidents are further reminders of the unbearable human cost of the conflict,” the UN official added.

While Israel’s crimes are taking place in the Gaza strip on a daily basis, the fate of the ceasefire talks has apparently been draped in mystery. Although Israeli and Western mainstream media outlets claimed that a deal is imminent claiming that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has made concessions, such claims have not been confirmed yet.

Courtesy: Peoples Dispatch

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